Statement from Congressional Candidate Jesse Reising on Washington Post Naming Il-13 As One of Worst Gerrymandering Sins in Nation

For Immediate Release:

February 1, 2022


For More Information, Contact:

Chris Mulchaey,


Decatur, IL.– Today the Washington Post Editorial Board highlighted Illinois’ thirteenth congressional district as one of the worst gerrymandered districts in the country in favor of Democrats. 


The Madigan political machine “drew long, winding districts connecting district cities,” said the Washington Post article. “Parties that gerrymander can more easily impose radical ideologies, spurn compromise and ignore the majority’s wishes.”


The new thirteenth congressional district connects Champaign to the suburbs of St. Louis, and includes Decatur and parts of Springfield.


“It is clear that Democrats want to thwart the will of the voters in the thirteenth district by parachuting in their preferred insider candidate from DC to represent us,” said Reising. “The people of Southern and Central Illinois want new leadership from one of their own, and I’m ready to serve. I’m going to fight for this district’s shared values in DC and bring real results home for Illinoisans. Let’s show them that voters choose the politicians – not the other way around.”


Read the story here: Opinion: Four of America’s worst gerrymandering sins — and how to fix them.

