For Immediate Release
January 28, 2022
Contact: Chris Mulcahey
Decatur, IL. – Yesterday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) added IL-13 to their “in-play” list signaling they are worried about losing the district that Biden carried by 11 points in 2020.
“The Madigan-machine gerrymandered this district to place their chosen Democratic-insider into Congress, but the voters of Central and South Illinois want someone who will represent their values in Congress,” said Jesse Reising, Republican candidate for IL-13.
In their press release, the DCCC cited “adjustments related to the constitutional redistricting process” as the reason for adding IL-13 to the competitive list despite the purposeful gerrymandering of the thirteenth congressional district to favor Democrats.
“The Democratic party of today is not the same party of our parents’ or grandparents’ generation,” said Reising. “The momentum is building in IL-13 for a common-sense candidate that will restore the first principles of limited government, free enterprise, and individual responsibility. I’m ready to get results for our communities”
You can learn more about Jesse Reising at